The Ministry of Agriculture and Water, through the Directorate General of Irrigation and Rural Development, has awarded the City of Ojós aid from the Community Initiatives Leader for a total amount of 56.331euros.
These funds were allocated to the development of four projects aimed at conservation and upgrading of rural heritage and provision of basic services for the economy and population of the area.
In particular, they allowed to carry out the refurbishment of the House of the Inquisition to Puppet Museum, the equipment cabinets to the Municipal Museum, the arrangement of the path attached to the cemetery, and the adequacy of a classroom as a point of attention to the childhood.
The new museum has five rooms and didactic areas that are exposed temporarily or permanently different objects and themes.
A total of 40,700 euros has been allocated for the purchase of furniture and display cases needed for its operation, as well as a temporary exhibition of puppets.
Moreover, it has proceeded to the settlement of the Annex to the cemetery road, with the execution of a concrete wall and paving and fencing of the area, jobs that have invested 2,140 euros.
In addition, the City has received 13,500 euros for the works of adaptation of a municipal building annex to the public school as a point of childcare.
The new location serves as municipal nursery, and welcomes children up to three years in school.
These grants, framed in the Rural Development Programme for the Region of Murcia 2007-2013, have been managed by the Local Action Group Vega del Segura.
Its funding comes from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), which contributes 75 percent.
The remaining 25 percent is co-financed the Ministry of Agriculture and Water and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Source: CARM