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Citizens Ojós asks explanations to a mayor of the PP for using a public building for a private birthday party (25/02/2020)

The local spokesman, Alberto Sánchez, will request in the next plenary session a list of people who have access to municipal facilities

The spokesman of the municipal group of Citizens, Alberto Sánchez, today asked the Councilor Encarna Palazón for explanations for "the alleged private use of a public building."

Sanchez has asked the mayor of the PP to explain the alleged use for a private birthday party of one of his family members of the Las Escuelas municipal building, located in Las Gachopas: “Although it is a facility with zero use by the neighbors, we have requested the file with the requests of existing premises and there has been neither request nor permission for its use, so there could have been a treatment of favor and a private use of a public good or at least irregular way †.

Sanchez added that, if confirmed, "this attitude is at least reproachable in a public leader" and recalled that it is not the first complaint about the use of this building.

The spokesman has advanced that his municipal group will request in the next plenary session "a list of the people who have keys to municipal buildings and the pertinent explanations about the use they can make of them."

Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia

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