Alberto Sánchez: "Our proposal is born of the conviction that Ojós, due to its incomparable natural setting and the legacy of its rich history, is indeed one of the most charming municipalities in the country"
Citizens has requested at the last municipal plenary session held in Ojós, that the necessary measures be taken so that the town can obtain the "one of the most beautiful villages in Spain" label, which would mean numerous benefits for a locality that is affected by the risk of depopulation.
The Association The Most Beautiful Villages in Spain is composed of 79 municipalities The Region of Murcia is the only Autonomous Community that has no representation in it.
Alberto Sánchez, spokesperson for Citizens in Ojós City Council, pointed out that in 2011 the association "Most Beautiful Villages in Spain" was created, whose objective is to disseminate, promote and preserve the cultural, natural and rural heritage of the geographical areas less populated of our country.
The objective, as they indicate on their own website, is to create a network of charming towns that brings together the most beautiful towns in Spain under the same quality mark.
The adhesion process is marked by a strong audit to preserve the value of this seal.
Sanchez stressed that "our proposal is born of the conviction that Ojós, because of its incomparable natural setting and the legacy of its rich history, is indeed one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, so we are going to work hard to be the first locality of the Region of Murcia in fulfilling the requirements that this association requests ".
The spokesman of the orange training has listed some of the many advantages that would include for Ojós the inclusion in the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Spain, such as the national and international promotion through the web of the association, its application of smartphone and the different actions that the association decides to undertake for this purpose;
the use of an attractive brand as this seal is in all the diffusion actions of the municipality;
the publication of Ojós parties and events both on the association's website and on social networks to attract tourism;
a channel of communication and advice in order to improve and preserve both the tradition and the heritage of Ojós;
or the opportunity to access public aid, through the European Union, the State and the Autonomous Communities.
The full Ojós City Council agreed to leave the preparations and study of the project for the start of the next term.
"We hope that the incorporation of our locality can be processed as soon as possible, since belonging to this association would be a shock to the less populated municipality of the Region," concluded Sanchez.
Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia